Orthodontics in patients with Temporomandibular dysfunction
Lecturer: Alexandra Londono
VieSID faculty member & teaching staff.
Member of VieSID Scientific Advisory Board.
Master of Science: Department of Prosthodontics. Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Postgraduate study: Orthodontics in Craniomandibular dysfunction. Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry, Viena, Austria.
Postgraduate study: Function and Dysfunction of the Masticatory Organ. Danube University, Krems, Austria.
International researcher: Kanagawa Dental University, Yokosuka, Japan.
Specialisation: Orthodontics. Military University. CIEO Foundation, Bogota, Colombia.
Pregraduate: Dentist. Autonomous University of Manizales, Manizales, Colombia.
Skills I will learn in the course
- Craniomandibular treatment
- Occlusal splints
- TMJ dysfunction
- Bruxism
- Cast model analyis
– Why, after the completion of orthodontic treatment, when an ideal occlusion is achieved, TMJ symptoms develop
– The Vienna concept of TMJ dysfunction treatment
– The reasons for the appearance of wear facets with good disocclusion in the canine area
– The limits of orthodontic treatment. Cranio-mandibular orthodontics
– Orthodontic treatment planning taking into account the state of the temporomandibular joint
– The main clinical signs of TMD
– Mounting a model in the articulator – a mandatory step in treatment planning
– Occlusal analysis: norm and deviations
– Diagnosis of bruxism with a Bruxchecker
– Prosthetic treatment of TMJ muscle disorders. Do we need a splint as a retainer.
Recommended for: Orthodontist, Gnathologist, General Dentist.