
What is Apriori Expo

Over the last year at Apriori we have been working hard on a new and different project – Apriori Expo. We’re excited to finally share with you exactly what it will be.

Apriori Expo is an academic event that will be held on February 10-11, 2024 at the Plovdiv International Fair. It consists of two scientific congresses that look to the future of two of our favorite areas of dentistry – Orthodontics and Implantology.

At Apriori, we’ve always put science on a pedestal. You know that our trainings are not for commercial purposes – on the contrary, we always design our courses to objectively present the facts of dentistry while providing maximum practical value.

We approach both congresses at Apriori Expo in the same way.

With love for science

We approached with pedantry, selecting the lineups of lecturers, both from Bulgaria and abroad, because we were looking not only for high value but for matching. The result is an international composition of a high academic level, in which the topics of the speakers complement each other to give maximum value in a short period for the attending dentists.

For example, in the selection of the composition for the implantology congress, we even had to give up several highly valuable speakers with great topics, simply because other trainers had slightly more suitable lectures that fit better into the general theme, namely immediate implantation.

Like a puzzle, we looked for the best fitting pieces to tell a complete story.

See the composition of all the speakers at the Orthodontic Congress here, and at the Implantology Congress – at this link.

Of course, with the aim of maximum convenience for the participants, we have provided English translation for all lectures, so that the language barrier is not a reason for anyone to miss the event.

Practice is an act of improvement

When designing the congresses, we were convinced from the very beginning that we wanted to include as much practical value as possible. In order for the participants to upgrade not only their theoretical knowledge, but also to develop their techniques, we added hands-on sessions (workshops) in both congresses. Hands-ons are a natural extension of the lecture part, where you will be able to apply and practice what you have learned, with the help and guidance of the lecturers and their small army of assistants.

For example, Dr. Riccardo Riccotta and Dr. Francesco Di Corato will lecture on “Digital Workflow and Temporaries for Skeletal Support: Treatment Strategies” and their practical session is dedicated to absolute palatal skeletal support.


The holding of the two congresses will take place in parallel in two different halls of the Plovdiv International Fair.

Day 1 (Saturday 10th February) contains the lecture part and we have reserved Day 2 entirely for the practical sessions.

Apriori Expo is the result of careful planning and endless hours of fine-tuning every detail, and most of all, tons of work to fulfill the ambitious vision for this event.

This is a new page for Apriori and we are super excited to write it with you! We are expecting you…